
Programming and Data Science Cheat Sheets List

As the name suggests, this repository presents a list of cheat sheets on programming and data science.

Table of Contents

Multi-Domain Site Cheatsheets (Rico’s cheatsheets)

Example : Example

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Notes of Guifre Ruiz

Example : Example

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Example :

Quickref Example

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Ressources in fr-fr

Example :

Learnxinyminutes Example

(back to table of contents)

shortcutfoo (Learn shortcuts)

Example :

shortcutfoo Example

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Multi-Domain Repositories Cheatsheets

Awesome Cheat Sheets (LeCoupa)

Example :

Awesome Cheat Sheets Example

(back to table of contents)

Awesome Cheat Sheet (detailyang)

Regroup plenty of this Cheat Sheets of multiple domain

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Javascript Cheatsheet

ES6 Cheat Sheet (ECMAScript 2015)

Example :

ES6 Cheat Sheet (ECMAScript 2015) Example

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Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet

Example :

Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet Example

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React Typescript Cheatsheet

Example :

React Typescript Cheatsheet Example

(back to table of contents)

Data Science Cheatsheets

Computer Science Cheatsheet

Example :

Computer Science Cheatsheet Example

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Data Science Cheatsheets

Includes plenty of site like Datacamp
Example :

Data Science Cheatsheets Example

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Essential Cheat Sheets for Machine Learning and Deep Learning Engineers

Source :
Example :

Essential Cheat Sheets for Machine Learning and Deep Learning Engineers Example

(back to table of contents)

Python Cheatsheet

Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet

Example :

Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet Example

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Official Matplotlib cheat sheets

Fichier :

Matplotlib Cheatsheets PDF

Matplotlib Handout beginner PDF

Matplotlib Intermediate handout PDF

Matplotlib Tips handout PDF

Example :

Official Matplotlib cheat sheets

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Example :

Python Cheat Sheet Example

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